Thursday, February 10, 2011

Awesome Foundation San Francisco June Fellowship: Robotic Desk Lamps

I was exceptionally chuffed to be the June 2010 recipient of an Awesome Foundation fellowship.

This was for a project that has been on my mind for years, but I needed a simple kick in the pants to get going on it, for which I am grateful to the Awesome Foundation!


I call the project C.A.R.D.L.E, for Completely Awesome Robotic Desk Lamp Experiment. Remember that cool little short from Pixar? Well, yeah, kinda like that but FOR REALZ:



So the above was just a prototype: I shall be building five or six of the wee beasties


Update: I sucessfully built and demonstrated them at the 2011 Maker Faire. See this blog post /blog/2011/Robotic-Desklamps-at-the-Maker-Faire/ for information!


Tagged: robots CARDLE



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